Logan started working at a very young age and quickly realized that it was his inherent nature to build relationships that last a lifetime. After pursing a degree in Marketing, and prior to joining the firm, Logan spent many hours devoted toward researching and shaping his personal financial future. In that process, Logan knew he wanted to help others do the same. When he began the search for a true independent financial and insurance group, he found difficulty in finding a home. “Most organizations do not take a holistic or individual approach. Since everyone’s situation is different, it was important for me to find a firm that aligned with my values. I finally found a home in InPower Investments & Wealth Strategies,” says Logan. He holds an Investment Adviser Representative license and a State of Wisconsin Resident Insurance License, as well as being licensed in other states. In his free time, Logan enjoys spending time with family and friends, as people are at the core of who Logan is. He is an automotive enthusiast at heart and loves to spend time in the driver’s seat – no matter where that may take him. “Life is a journey. Having great people with you on that journey makes it worth the ride.”